24.06.15 “Blind Victory!” (2 Kings 6:15-23)

Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
24.06.15 “Blind Victory!” (2 Kings 6:15-23)


Have you ever found yourself in a ‘no-win’ situation? Did you look around at all the options you could imagine, yet it seemed they would all end in disaster? I think that’s exactly what Elisha and his servant might have felt that morning as they stepped out of their house early to greet a new day, only to discover they were surrounded on all sides by armed soldiers and chariots intent on harming them! There was no escape, no way out! (2 Kings 6:15)
But then God gave His prophet Elisha miraculous spiritual vision which enabled him to see what was there but was invisible to normal human eyes. In fact in response to Elisha’s prayer, God gave the same miraculous, spiritual eyesight to Elisha’s servant and both of them stood there amazed that all around those enemy soldiers were horses and chariots of fire! (2 Kings 6:16,17)

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Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 6:15-23. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​

Pastor Doug Anderson    
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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