21.03.31 Traitor — John 13:21-38 and John 14:1-7

Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
21.03.31 Traitor -- John 13:21-38 and John 14:1-7

“Traitor” and “Betrayed” are among the most painful words spoken, aren’t they? Few things are more traumatic than being betrayed by a person who you thought was a friend, right? Yesterday we walked up those steps with Jesus and His friends, to an ‘upper room’ in Jerusalem. They’ve spent many months together, and this evening is one they’ve anticipated for a long time. 

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Today’s Scripture is John 13:21-38 and John 14:1-7. 
Choose below to read or listen.
John 13​​
John 14​​

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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