21.05.19 Confronted – Acts 11:1-18

Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
21.05.19 Confronted - Acts 11:1-18

When was the last time you were CONFRONTED? Someone challenged something they heard you say, or someone questioned you about where they thought they saw you, or who they saw you with? In the past few days we’ve been walking with Peter as he experienced one of the most life changing events of his entire life… in the Roman regional capital city of Caesarea, and in the house of a Roman military officer named Cornelius. Gentiles… a whole bunch of Gentiles, had trusted the truth of Jesus and suddenly the Holy Spirit of God came upon them, just as had happened in Jerusalem on Pentecost day! And Peter was there… an eye witness to it all!

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Today’s Scripture is Acts 11:1-18. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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