22.08.03 “New TRUTH??” (Acts 13:14-35)

Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
Walking with Jesus with Pastor Doug Anderson Podcast
22.08.03 “New TRUTH??” (Acts 13:14-35)


You can tell when someone you are talking with is really listening and when their mind has drifted off to something else, even though they might still be looking right at you as you are speaking, am I right? LISTENING is a really important skill in communication that needs work to develop, and it’s amazing how many people are not good listeners! Active listening engages body language, questions, comments and learning, do you agree? In our continuing journey with Paul and Barnabas, they have left Cyprus Island and sailed to the coastal city of Perga. They didn’t stay there long.

(Click here to see full text, images and links)

Today’s Scripture is Acts 13:14-35. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.