When we hear the word “inheritance” most often we think of older people who are passing into eternity and leaving to their descendants an ‘inheritance’, right? But what does it look like when someone receives their long-awaited inheritance in their old age? For the past several days we’ve been traveling with Joshua and the Israelites as they crossed the Jordan river, by God’s miraculous power, on a dry Jordan riverbed, as God held up the flow of the flooded Jordan for many hours so 1 million Israelites, and all their animals and belongings, could cross over into the land of God’s Promise. They spent their first few days at Gilgal celebrating the Passover in the new land and reconsecrating themselves to God. The past few days we’ve watched as Joshua and the Israelites began moving into the land, first conquering the city of Jericho. For the next several months they used Gilgal as their base and moved slowly inland as God guided them.